
Wine bottles and models

Here are some pictures from my last shoot. I have one last one in the works from this set that should be amazing stay tuned. For now enjoy a few from the set:


D.O.F Study

Depth of Field study with my new hasselblad



Now you can control the living dead via blutooth


Testing email blogging through iPhone




My home away from home

This year I live in the copy room. On Friday I made 180 copies on yellow card stock instructions on how to load and process black and white film.


making test strips

just a typical day in the darkroom...paper courtesy dana.


keeping track....

It seems I have let this whole international moly exchange consume me. I have joined 5 groups and they are starting to pick up. I currently have 6 to work and get mailed out... I had to write them all down to remember which group was what... I need a theme for my group 41... I think it will be manimals combining animals and people. wish me luck. I can't wait to see the first one completely done. check out my flickr page for the links to the group and my work on them.